Directory Feature
Objective To explain in detail how to use the Directory Feature including Adding a user to a desired folder, setting up a folder, and explaining over arching general settings that apply to the entire Directory as a whole Folder Settings Create a ...
Approve New Users in Dashboard
Objective Outline the steps to approve new registered users in the Dashboard If your school does not have Approval for Registered users turned on this will not apply to your school Approve New Users Navigate to "People" in the Dashboard while logged ...
Create Single Classroom
Objective Provide a walkthrough on how to create a single Classroom Manually. There are 2 ways to Create Classrooms. You can either create new Classrooms one at a time or you can “Import” multiple "Classrooms" **NOTE: When a Classroom is made there ...
Deleting Individual/Multiple People from the Dashboard
Objective Provide steps needed to delete users from "Manage People" within the Dashboard. Delete one user at a time "People" - Then select 'Manage People'. Search for the person using the search bar Or you can Click on "Advanced Filter". Make your ...
Issuing a Hall pass (Dashboard)
Objective Learn how to issue a Hall Pass using the Dashboard. Click "Features" and click "Hall Pass" Find the student you want to issue a Hall Pass to and click on the stopwatch icon Fill out information> Click on "Issue" in the bottom right hand ...
Editing Person Identities
Objective Provide an explanation of how to edit a Person's Identities for a person/contact within People on the dashboard. If a user's Identity for a site is removed, their Categories will also be deleted. Click "People" then click "Manage People" ...
Editing Person Relationships
Objective Provide walkthrough of how to edit a Person's "Relationship" from the Dashboard. Click "People" then click "Manage People" Use the search bar to find the user you want to edit. Select the "Edit" pencil icon next to the Person you want to ...
People: Granting Dashboard & App Access (Account Information)
Objective the steps needed to give a user access to the Dashboard and/or the App in their person record. Manage Dashboard Access From the home menu click "People", then select "Manage People" Search for the person and select the "Edit" pen icon next ...
Create Hall Pass/Security Pin
Objective To provide steps on how to manually create a Hall Pass pin from the Dashboard. Administrators creating Hall Pass Pins for Teachers You will not populate in the Hall Pass feature if you do not have a PIN setup. Navigate to "People", then ...