Submit a Helpdesk Ticket from the Dashboard
*** NOTE - If you do not have Dashboard access you can email us directly at to submit a Helpdesk Ticket.*** In order to facilitate a quick turnaround for your issue please try to include the following information while ...
Marketing Content
Follow these easy steps to access your Schools' App Marketing content Step 1: Navigate to "Marketing" in the Dashboard Step 2: Click on "Documents". If you click on any of the Documents listed it will automatically download to your device. These ...
Create Conversation Using Classrooms Target List - App
Objective Provide a walkthrough on how to create a conversation within the App that uses a Target List created via the Classrooms feature. Select "Conversations" from the App Menu on your mobile device . Select + to create a new conversation. Name ...
Sending Push Notification using Classrooms
Navigate to "News" Then select "Create New" Give your notification a Title, add your message and any attachments you would like to add, then click continue in the top right corner. On the next screen, check the box next to the channel you would like ...
Remove your "MyID" from App
Access MyId on the App Click "Remove ID" You'll be brought back to the "MyID" login page and all fields will be empty:
Connect MyID in App
Objective Provide a walkthrough on how to login to MyID on the App manually (normally connects via your account once you login) NOTE: Logging into the App using your account is not the same as connecting to MyID Ensure the user in question have ...
Adding Badges in Bulk to Student Accounts - Dashboard
Objective Provide a walkthrough of how to add multiple badges to multiple student accounts within the Dashboard. Select "Features" Select "Student Badge" Click "Upload Student Badges" Download the spreadsheet or if you have your own, skip to the next ...
Requesting a Hall Pass as a Student in the App
Click “Hall Pass" Click “Select Teacher” and search for the Teacher that is issuing the hall pass to you. In this example we are looking for teacher Brady Smith, we are leaving for the Guidance office, and we only need to be gone 5 minutes. Once this ...
Adding Apps
Objective Provide a walkthrough for how to add an App to your school's App Library. Apps must be added by a System Admin Technician via a trouble ticket request. Click "Apps" Click “+New” Choose from drop down list of most used apps & click “Ok”