Setting up and Using the Classrooms Feature Overview

Setting up and Using the Classrooms Feature Overview

What are Classrooms?

When trying to send out a message to a small group quickly, it's much easier when the correct list is ready for you.

Your app has always had the option of creating targeted lists for sending push notifications, news updates, and conversations.
With our latest release, we've added something fun (and automated)!

The classrooms functionality can automatically create a classroom list with your SFTP sync (if setup).

Why does this matter? Teachers can communicate with pre-determined lists that will be updated with the latest information from your student information system (SIS).

Teachers cannot create a classroom in the Classrooms feature, but CAN set up their own Personal Newsfeed Category for their class or group.

When a Classroom is made there will be a Target List created with the same name to Send out Push notifications

Setting up Classrooms

Ways to set up your Classrooms

SFTP sync from your SIS

Benefits of set up via SFTP sync:
- Optimal as it automatically updates students, or staff, listed in classrooms
- Classroom participants are all added to their respective classrooms quickly & easily with a simple designation withing the sync information


There are two Manual ways to Create Classrooms.

You can either create new Classrooms one at a time, individually
You can “Import” multiple "Classrooms" (imported from an Excel file)

From the Dashboard under Features, Select “Classrooms”


Select “+New”

Select or upload the image you want to use, if you have an external image you want to use via URL add it here as well in External Image URL
- Name the List
- Add a Description if you prefer

Add Members,  once you start typing a person’s name, they will appear for you to select them

Click "Save and Edit" & "Ok"

      When you navigate back to “Classrooms” you will see the newly created Classroom listed successfully

     If you want to import multiple Classrooms at once, you can click "Import Classrooms" at the top of the page.

Then, use the Excel Template to create a list of Classrooms at once.

Target list

                  Creating a classroom will auto-generate a target list, with the name of this classroom.

                  When creating a target list, admin can select one or multiple classrooms, by checking the box on the right side.


How to Use Classrooms

Create a category under My Categories.

            Teachers must create their desired Categories, which are the headings under which the notifications are sent. To create your Categories, follow these steps:

                        i.      Navigate to News>Settings>Categories

                        ii.      Click on the My Categories tab.

                        iii.      Click ‘+ New’

We recommend that you are specific in what you label your category so that students and parents know what they are opting into, especially if more than one section of the class is offered.

                                    For example – Class Name – Period – Teacher Name. 

                                           Algebra – Period 2 – Mr. Teacher

                                           JV Boys Basketball – Coach Teacher

                                           Seniors – Class of 2022

                                           Math Club – Mr. Teacher

                        iv.      Once you get your categories created, you can let your students and parents know they can sign up for your notifications. In the Marketing section of the Dashboard, there are documents (Click                         Marketing > Documents) that have been branded to your school that are ready to be shared to your community. This infographic shows students and parents how to opt-in to your notifications.

Sending a push notification to a category in My Categories & using your Classrooms Target List

            Navigate to News>Create New

            Give your notification a Title, add your message and any attachments you would like to add, then click continue in the top right corner.

      On the next screen, check the box next to the channel you would like your push notification to go out to, then click Continue.

      On the following screen, in the first column select the Category you would like to send the push notification to.

      In the second column labeled Secured Access, scroll down to the section titled ‘Visible only to (Lists)’, continue down the list and select the target list (your Classroom) you want your push notification going to.        Once you have selected your Classroom target list, click Continue at the top right.

The first column on the next screen gives you a preview of the push notification.

The second column allows you to choose from several optional settings, and the third column tells you:
      1) the method being used to send the notification (push notification and on the newsfeed);
      2) the category that was chosen to send the notification to (Mrs. Peach’s Class), and
      3) the target list (I.e. your Classroom) the notification is being sent out to.

If you are satisfied with your notification, click Send.

Your message has now been sent to your Classroom!


Creating Conversations Using your Classrooms Target List

Select Conversations from the App Menu on your mobile device.
This group conversation cannot be initiated in the Dashboard.

Select + to create a new conversation.

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