Marketing Content - 2022

Marketing Content

Follow these easy steps to access your Schools' App Marketing content

Step 1: Navigate to "Marketing" in the Dashboard


Step 2: Click on "Documents". If you click on any of the Documents listed it will automatically download to your device. 
      These downloaded documents automatically customize themselves to your school name & colors. This creates minimal work on your end!

Step 3: Click on "Store Widgets" to find the codes for Apple, Google, and the Web Version of the App. Use the "Copy to Clipboard" function and place wherever you need it. 

Step 4: You can also find the Universal "Smart App Store Banner" here. 

      Click on the "Universal" dropdown to see the Native code:

Step 5: Click on "Embeddable Widget" to find the code you need to embed your App into another website or anything else.
You can adjust the Height and Width of the widget here as well, and you'll even see an example of what It will look like. 

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