How to create People (without accounts)

How to create People (without accounts)


Learn how to create People without accounts in the Dashboard, both individually and via import.

Log in to your Dashboard and navigate to 'People' from the menu panel (left) or the tile (right) from the Home Screen.

There are two ways to create 'People' records without accounts in your Dashboard:
1. Individually
2. Multiple (by import)

Creating People Individually

After navigating to 'People', select the '+ Newbutton at the far right to begin manually creating a single person record.

The 'Primary Details' tab is the first place to begin adding information for the person you are creating the record for.

Mandatory fields include the First name and Last name, however other details are generally optional depending on the features you are utilizing within your system.

Once you have selected "Save and Edit" after the completion of the individual's 'Primary Details,' you will then skip the 'Account' tab and proceed to the 'Identities' tab.

Under the 'Identities' tab, you will select how the individual is identified within your school or organization.

Is the individual a Staff member, Student and/or Parent? After selecting the appropriate identities, be sure to 'Apply' your changes.

During the final step, you will select the 'Relationships' tab to identify if the individual is related to a Student and finally if the individual has a familial relation to another person. After making the relevant selections, select 'Apply' and then 'Ok' to complete the person record.

Your new 'People' record will appear as pictured below and may be updated at any time by selecting the pencil icon at the far right of specific record.

Creating People via Importing

To create multiple people records in a single instance you may import contacts by selecting the 'Import' option directly to the right of the 'People' header.

Once selected, a box will pop-up for you to download the pre-formatted excel file you will use to enter multiple people.
Please note that this Excel file must remain in *.XLSX format.
You will also see the details of required and optional fields to be entered for each person record.

After downloading the pre-formatted Excel file, you will begin adding information for the required fields and any optional fields relevant to your organization.
Upon completion, save your Excel file.

Next, you will return to the Import section and select to 'Drag an Excel file or click here to browse' button, choose the Excel file you saved in *.XLSX format and then continue to select your 'Import Settings.'

  1. Set Persons as Protected: 'Protects' the imported user(s) from being deleted or overwritten by future imports
  2. Delete 'not included' People: 'Deletes' unprotected staff who are not included within the list of imported people
  3. Create App Users: This setting allows the creation of managed accounts for each user being imported.
  4. Create Dashboard Users (Staff Only): Creates dashboard users for staff members

Finally, select the 'Continue' button to follow the prompts below to completion. Finally, you will receive an email notice for the results of your import.

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