Provide an explanation of how to edit a Person's Identities for a person/contact within People on the dashboard.
If a user's Identity for a site is removed, their Categories will also be deleted.
Click "People" then click "Manage People"
Search' for the person you would like to edit using the search bar at the top of the People page.
Once you have located the person you would like to edit, select the pencil icon to the right of the contact.
Edit the User's Identity
The Edit Person page will open and you then click on the 'Identities' tab.
The Identities page will open. From here you can edit the Identity and the Identity details.
Once you have competed your edits, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "OK"
If you want to edit information in addition to the Identity, click "Apply" instead of "OK", then click the tab you would like to edit (i.e. Primary Details/Account/Relationships).
Once you have completed all the edits, then click OK to complete the process and Save the edited information.