Creating Conversations in the App

Creating Conversations in the App


To illustrate how to create Conversations in the App and manage existing Conversations.

Creating a New Conversation in the App

Find the 'Conversations' tab on the Menu

Create a Conversation

Press the '+' in the bottom right corner



Name and Add Participants

Here you 'Name' your conversation and search to find and add the participant(s) you would like to message

In the progressive Webapp and in Apps using v 10.1.0 and newer:

You can also search a students name and if they have a connected relationship to a Parent, Aide Guardian, or Relative they will appear below

Once added they will grey out to signify already being added

Begin the Conversation

This will pull up a screen that you are able to type and send your message to the selected participant(s)

The participant(s) will get a push notification on their phone which will prompt them to reply 

Settings and Options

After the Conversation is created you have options in the Settings (the 3 dots icon) found in the top right corner.


You are able to select from these options in the drop down menu:

            See who is in the message and add more users by selecting 'Participants'

            See Attachments

            Rename the Conversation

            Block a user (If logged in as Administrator)

            Close the Conversation, which means the participants can still see the messages but cannot send anything

            Delete the Conversation which will remove it from all participants phones and can only be viewed on the backend

            or Report an Issue

Happy conversing!
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