Create Single Classroom

Create Single Classroom


Provide a walkthrough on how to create a single Classroom Manually.

There are 2 ways to Create Classrooms. You can either create new Classrooms one at a time or you can “Import” multiple "Classrooms"
**NOTE: When a Classroom is made there will be a Target List created with the same name to Send out Push notifications**

Select "Features" then click “Classrooms”

Select “+New”

Select or upload the image you want to use, if you have an external image you want to use via URL add it here as well in External Image URL.

Name the List & Add a Description if you prefer

Add Members & once you start typing a person’s name, they will appear for you to select them


Click “Save & Edit” & “OK”


When you navigate back to “Classrooms” you will see the newly created Classroom listed successfully


If you want to import multiple Classrooms at once, you can click "Import Classrooms" at the top of the page and use the Excel Template to create a list of Classrooms at once. 


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