Provide a walkthrough on how to login to MyID on the App manually (normally connects via your account once you login)
NOTE: Logging into the App using your account is not the same as connecting to MyID
Ensure the user in question have Student App Access and a Student ID # in the Dashboard. They can not connect to MyID without these 2 items
Locate their Student ID in "People" > "Primary Details" tab > "Student ID" field.
Normally the App will connect a student's MyID when they login to the App with their account that's listed in the Dashboard.
But if it does not automatically connect, click "MyID" on the App.
Connect your account to MyID by logging in with your "Last name" and "Student ID" & click "Find My ID"
You will see your Name, Profile Picture, any badges your account has, and a barcode or QR code.
Congratulations, you've successfully connect your MyID to your phone.
NOTE *** The barcode/QR codes are able to be used with external systems & software, but we produce the code itself, we don't support what the code is connected to externally.