Documents Feature

Documents Feature


Provide a walkthrough of how to use the Documents Feature including creation, deleting, and adding a Document Folder

Click "Features" then click "Documents", all steps below take place within this feature location.

Adding a Document

Select "Features" then click “Documents” 

Click “+ New”

Enter a name in the "Name" field 

Choose an image from the library or upload your own image (OPTIONAL)


Upload a file (.doc, .xls, .pdf)  by dragging the file into the "File Upload" or click on "File Upload" and navigate to where it's stored on your device

Verify Secured Access settings (Premium Feature)

Click “Ok” 

Editing a Document

Click the pen (Edit) to the right of the document title you wish to edit.

Click on the red "Choose another file" box 

Click "File Upload"

Choose a new file to upload

Adding a Documents Folder


Click “+New Folder” in the upper right-hand corner

Name the folder, decide who can see it via Secured Access, & Click “Ok”

Pinning/Ordering Documents

 Locate the document you wish to pin and click the pushpin icon

Up and down arrows will appear next to the document

Use the arrows to locate your desired numbered position and press OK OR Click the "Edit" button beside the document you wish to pin


Adjust the number in the "Pin to Position" box


Click "OK"

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